Gardner’s House offers the cancer patient and their family members a comprehensive and holistic approach to recovery and returning to a full and normal life. We recognized that the body heals better in an environment of caring and support and that a united family is essential.
Gardner’s House offers accurate information and referrals to community and medical resources, such as contact with social workers and help with the process of applying for state and local assistance. We research sources for basic needs such as food, clothing and domestic expenses.
By eliminating the hospital and hospice atmosphere, we offer an optimistic environment for healing through our associated programs such as massage by a licensed therapist and monthly community social gatherings for anyone affected by cancer.
By offering the opportunity for contact with other cancer patients and survivors, we provide a caring and informative experience for those needing emotional support.
Through these practical services, Gardner’s House focuses on the needs of the Person, as well as those of the Patient, during the process of regaining their health after their cancer diagnosis by offering real world services and referrals. In this way the healing can proceed with positive support and with a minimum of stress.
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